Does fasting help after binge eating?
Do not fast. Fasting after binging raises the risk of triggering a binging-fasting cycle. Fasting can make you more hungry so that you subsequently overeat. Should I fast if I had an eating disorder?...
View ArticleWhat to say to someone who overeats?
Let them know that you’ll support them if and when they want help. One way to do this is to avoid “you statements.” For example, “You’re eating too much,” or “You’re worrying me.” Instead, use “I...
View ArticleWhat is food shaming?
Food shaming or guilting happens when someone judges or criticizes what another person eats, either intentionally or unintentionally. It can cause stress, embarrassment or guilt. Judgments about...
View ArticleCan low magnesium cause binge eating?
Low magnesium levels, specifically, are known to trigger chocolate cravings. Both stress and eating too much sugar can deplete your calcium and magnesium stores further, worsening cravings and making...
View ArticleHow do I stop binge eating after quitting smoking?
Exercise. Start slow if you haven’t been active and work up from there. Memorize H.A.L.T. Start work on deciphering the urges you get to smoke. Drink water. Keep healthy snacks within reach. Limit...
View ArticleHow can I help my 9 year old lose weight?
Cut back on processed and fast foods. They tend to be higher in calories and fat. Don’t serve sugary drinks. Swap soda, juice, and sports drinks for water and skim or low-fat milk. Encourage good...
View ArticleCan binge eating cause acne?
Dermatological Effects This low caloric intake (from dieting) and lack of nutrient consumption (from both dieting and bingeing) can cause dry skin and may cause hair to become brittle and fall out....
View ArticleIs bulimia common in boys?
Bulimia and binge eatingbinge eatingBinge eating disorder (BED) is an eating disorder characterized by frequent and recurrent binge eating episodes with associated negative psychological and social...
View ArticleWhat are DSM-5 specifiers?
Specifiers are extensions to a diagnosis to further clarify a disorder or illness. They allow for a more specific diagnosis. They are used extensively in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of...
View ArticleWill I gain weight if I eat 4000 calories in one day?
Is It Possible to Eat 4000 Calories & Not Gain Weight? For most people, eating 4000 calories a day would likely result in weight gain. However, it is absolutely possible that for certain...
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